Selecting the Best Criminal Lawyer

April 28, 2022

A professional criminal lawyer is the most genuine person who can offer expert guidance from any kind of criminal charge. They are experts on the ins and outs of the legal court proceedings and establishing negotiations to defend their accused clients.

But how can you find a good criminal lawyer? What are the qualities you are looking for?

Whether you are in the shoes of someone facing a criminal charge or looking for a reference, read this guide for your next criminal lawyer search.

 What Are the 4 Types of Lawyers?

You need a lawyer with a specialisation in the specific area of law you are dealing with. The following is a list of the four common types of lawyers.

1. General Practice

While most legal professionals have a specialisation, some prefer to work as a general practice lawyer. Generalists deal with a broad range of issues, and they are not recommended if your case is complex. However, they can be helpful for advice on simple issues.

2. Corporate

Corporate law tackles the legal practices of businesses, companies and organisations. These experts often work with large companies to ensure that laws and regulations are followed.

Corporate lawyers can help with the following matters:

  •       Starting a new business
  •       Negotiations
  •       Drafting
  •       Mergers
  •       Acquisitions

Hence, if you own a mid-size or large corporation, you must consult with a corporate lawyer regularly.

3. Estate Planning

Estate planning lawyers focus their attention on wills and trusts. They can help you draft a will that determines the recipients of your assets or trust to care for your children’s financial needs. These lawyers also ensure that the conditions of a will or trust are met. They also settle dispute claims.

4. Criminal

Criminal lawyers, otherwise known as criminal defence lawyers and public defenders, specialise in the defence of individuals, organisations and entities charged with a criminal activity.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Criminal Lawyer?

Hiring an experienced legal team is crucial to your defence. Below are some qualities that befit an expert criminal lawyer.

1. Excellent Communication Skills

Communication is key to presenting your case in court, so a criminal lawyer must have superb communication skills. Your lawyer must have efficient communication to convey the right message using the right words.

2. A Good Listener

A good lawyer must be a good listener. They can develop the most appropriate solution by actively listening to what the client has to say and others involved in the case.

3. Analytical Skills

The workings of the legal industry demand excellent analytical skills to clarify information to be presented in court. There are numerous instances when a criminal lawyer needs to understand the current situation and tackle the court proceedings accordingly.

4. Public Speaking Skills

Being expressive and persuasive with speaking is one crucial personality trait that shows a lawyer’s confidence and approach towards a case. If a lawyer is not a confident public speaker, it could force them to seek a settlement instead.

5. Decision-Making Skills

Excellent decision-making skills are one of the qualities that define a good criminal lawyer. They must assess the current events judiciously so they can make out the fitting conclusion based on the provided information and evidence. 

6. Confidentiality

A criminal defence lawyer should never expose sensitive information to others because it could impact the case proceedings.

7. Negotiation Skills

Your criminal defence lawyer must have excellent negotiation skills and assist you in negotiating an agreement with the judge’s for approval.

8. Aggressiveness

A good criminal defence lawyer must be aggressive with their action and approach in court. A more passive approach could leave the door open to the other party’s lawyer to take advantage. Your lawyer must fight for the case with confidence to ensure a positive outcome.

9. Integrity

A criminal case is complex and dynamic. Because of this, your lawyer must keep you updated with everything happening in your case. They must be honest about the predicted outcomes and earnest about the court proceedings.

10. Perseverance

A criminal defence lawyer must be persistent in tackling a case. They must be ready to highlight any points in order to defend you. They should do everything in their power to convince the judge and jury in your favour.

11. Commitment

Commitment by your criminal defence lawyer is significant in court proceedings. This keeps the hope burning and encourages positive results for your case.

12. A Good Sense of Humour

Being a criminal lawyer is stressful. Hence, it is crucial that a lawyer should not become too overwhelmed by the case. A good sense of humour is definitely helpful.

13. Creativity

A case could quickly shift in another direction with the mind-boggling questions of judges and jury members. Hence, if your lawyer fails to come up with a creative answer, your situation could be shaken in the courtroom.

How Do I Find a Good Lawyer in Australia?

To find a good lawyer in your area, keep the following recommendations:

  • Check the website of your local Law Society or Bar Association.
  • Get excellent recommendations via any legal aid commission or community legal centre.
  • Ask friends, business associates or family members who previously hired lawyers. There is a good chance they can help you locate the best lawyer to represent your case.
  • Interview lawyers you already know. Lawyers are law specialists and are well informed about the reputation and skills of other lawyers. Hence, they can help you find the best lawyer for your legal needs. 

Mardini Defence Lawyers: Defending You

When searching for the best criminal defence lawyer for your legal needs, make sure that they possess the qualities befitting a lawyer. With such specialisation, you can assure your case is on the right track.

For criminal cases, only the best will get your win. Mardini Defence Lawyers will help plan a winning strategy for your defence. Contact us to learn more.

Get in touch with us

If you are facing a criminal charge, we urge you to contact us today to arrange a free initial consultation. No case is too big or too small.

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